Here we go again lol. I don't know what it is lately, but it seems like everything is 'Go, Go, Go, Go!' At least that's how it's presented to me. I am trying to take it one thing at a time, and it seems that some people are not so happy about that. To them I say, 'Calm thyself! It will all get done in time!' Ok, fine. I don't say it. I think it. As I scramble around like a headless chicken trying to accomplish it all.
Yep, this little guy right here just about sums it up. That's how I feel, and I wouldn't be suprised it that's how I look haha.

On a bright note, I KILLED IT BABY on the trails last night. Or, as Ms. Ri said, YOU OWNED IT MOM! It was a bit hilarous, I started out as the villian when I told her she
had to come with me and at least make a good effort to run the trails. She was extremely unhappy to say the least. Then she loved me because I told her we were biking the 1.25 miles and back. I was so proud of her for the most part because she actually ran at least half of the 1.5 mile loop we do! Except the part where she refused to run more than 1/4 of the way up ANY hills, even the small ones lol. Until I dared her to hit the short but very steep one that's just about halfway through. SHE KILLED IT, SHE OWNED IT! I was so proud of her, and she was so proud of herself! She actually thanked me last night
AND this morning for taking her and making her run!!!! She is a stubborn one, but so amazing! <3

And now, I say adeiu, as this hectic day is currently hitting a level of frenzy that may quite possibly drive me to dumping mass quantities of Baileys and Kahlua into my coffee. Maybe I will just pull a 'one of my minions' act and flip out with a good old fashioned SWERVE for everyone! Muahaha! (No, but really, it's more of a GAA!)
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