To get to the other side, of course! It occurred to me the other day that
to get to the other side isn't really an answer. I mean,
to get to the other side is kind of like when you ask a kid why they stole a cookie and they say
because. Was it really because the grass seemed greener, or longer, or thicker? Or maybe the dandelions looked more yellow and pretty. Or maybe the hills weren't as steep.

Well, I propose that the cow crossed the road because he wanted the water. He was thirsty, and went looking for something to quench his thirst. Maybe it was a hot day, maybe he had been playing around for awhile. Or maybe he just realized that his life in the meadow was missing something and went to search for it.

We have all been in that position, feeling a bit empty, like something is missing. So we try to fill it up with things. More money to buy more clothes, new furniture, new jewelry, new vehicles, bigger houses, a boat, a vacation cabin, jet ski's, snowmobiles, pets, campers, the list goes on ... But at the end of the day, when we crawl in between our 10,000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, are we really the person we should be? Was our day used in the best possible way? Did we do all we could with our time and resources to better the lives of others and show them the love of Christ? Did all the
things we filled our life with fill the hole?

Most of the time when people feel like something is missing, it's God! So today, I propose we all do a spring cleaning. Of our lives, of our hearts, of our spiritual life. Turn yourself over to God, and let Him fill that hole. Go through your material possessions and really look at them. Do you need everything you have? Do you use everything you own? Are there people who need your extras that you could donate them to? Find your local St. Vincent de Paul and donate the things you've collected that just sit there, the extra clothing in your closet, that extra bed for
in case your sister who never visits changes her mind and comes for the weekend, that second set of pots and pans that you don't even remember why you bought and have never used. Why keep it if you don't need it?

Then, take a good, long, quiet, time-out to look at your heart. What are the priorities in your life? How do you begin and end your day? What is the focus of your life, the reason you get up and do what you do every day? Make a list of what you feel is important, and number them in order of how you prioritize them. Is God your #1? Are others your #2? If they are not, it's time for you to re-evaluate your life and make some changes. There are always plenty of people at your Parish that are willing to pray for you, to mentor and hold you accountable. Your local Catholic bookstore is a great place to find a really good devotional, as well as a great resource for books on growing in your faith.

Lastly, look at your spiritual life. What are you doing with your faith? How are you spreading the truth of Christ's love, bringing others to Him? I'm not saying you need to get a milk crate and a sign and go stand on the corner hollering at people ... although that could be a fun way to spend a dull Saturday afternoon ... Start simple. Smile and say hi to someone you don't know while you're out and about today. Make a point to get to know that lady in the cubicle across from you at work. Have a little chat with the older gentleman that comes in to your restaurant every morning by himself for oatmeal and tea. Give the nurse at the Dr's office a hug! Call your mom, and that sister who never visits, and tell them that you love them. Ask them how they're doing. And above all, think in
LOVE, act in
LOVE, and speak in
LOVE! In order to share Christ's love, we have to be His love to others. It's pretty difficult to witness to someone effectively when we have show them only indifference or hostility.

Today, let's really revamp ourselves! We're about halfway through Lent, that point where it's becoming a bit routine, a bit mundane. So spice it up! Make a point to give out hello's,
meaningful how are you's, and hugs today! NOTHING breaks through the ice on a cold heart like a genuine smile and true empathy. Remember, you are not the only one in search of water ... so bring them a glass of The Water! Whose life can you change today by bettering your heart?
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