Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Live Under and Umbrella During a Blizzard

Ever have one of those days where, no matter how much you love, how much you pray, how much you forgive, how much you do so much ... it's just not enough. Broken. Flawed. Crippled. Unusable. Disabled. That's how I've felt for the last few days, each day feeling progressively more and more so. Today, I'm at the point where I basically feel like the only thing I'm accomplishing well is being as valuable as a dastardly, flesh-eating bacteria. Like I'm trying to hug someone and all they do is complain about my short t-rex arms and giant destructive body.

I'm well aware that nobody ever promised this journey would be easy, fair, or all fun. We all know I'm a huge preacher of that very message. Yet there are still days where, despite the depth of faith I know I possess, I have far less than 100% or even 50% assurance that all will be truly well in the end.

Today, I am ending a very stressful week by having to leave my sick daughter at home while I go to work. To a job I love, for people I love, at a place I love. Where I do not feel very loved, especially lately.

But of course, God refuses to let me wallow in mysery. So while I am typing this, 'How He Loves Us' comes on ... and I get a text from a friend I haven't heard from in awhile reminding me that they love me, too ... and I DID get to meet my new niece last night ... and I DO have the most amazing family to be found for miles around ... and I DID get to spend a few bonus days with my other niece while her baby sister was being born ...

So the positive thoughts begin to flow in. And the negative is starting to fade a bit. Oh, it's far from gone. For example, I'm currently trying to convince Hubbs to go get margarita stuff as today is National Margarita Day. (Because what goes better with the winter blues and a Fish Friday than Margaritas!) I'm still in pain and feeling frustrated ... but it could be so much worse. Far from fully positive, but further away from fully negative.

So the next time I try to hug someone and they complain about my short arms, I will remind them that dastardly, flesh-eating bacterias have their positives, too ... they can be used to get rid of gangrene and kill off evil people - just for example, of course.  ;)

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