Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Jagged Piece

So my blog this morning was written based on what God laid on my heart during my He-and-I time this morning. Little did I know just how soon I would have to put it into practice!
Today, I faced a difficult decision, a nerve-wracking meeting, and the reality that I am being called to pull my fragment of glass from where I see it to where He see's it. A piece of my own heart was cut by the very edges that I had unknowingly sharpened by placing myself outside of my spot in His stained glass masterpiece. And it hurt. It still hurts.
Life is NEVER easy. It is messy, it is dirty. It is overwhelming, and it is painful. But, it's supposed to hurt. Our hearts are supposed to break. We are supposed to fall to our knees in despair. Because when we are at our lowest, the only place we can look is UP! And so life becomes beautiful. When we offer up ALL of our situations to Him in prayer, He places the shards right where they belong!!!
I know that where I had placed myself is where God wants me ... but not yet. I took the timing into my own hands and in doing so, risked fragmenting other pieces of His masterpiece. Praise God that He placed someone in my path to warn me, to guide me, to love me, and to challenge me! It was not easy to speak in love when I sat there knowing that I am being removed from a situation where I have done so much good, from so many who love me, and want me there. Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to walk away, especially when things are NOT falling apart. Today I faced and embraced the reality that I am being called to just that. And I am at peace knowing that I did it without protest, without defensive words or actions, without vengance.
I mentioned that the person God placed in my path had presented me with a challenge. And so in addition to today's first challenge to act in love at all times, I present to you the challenge I have been given, and that I gladly accept
Seek a spiritual advisor. Find a Priest or Deacon whom you can trust, and ask them to be your advisor. God will guide you to the one that is right for you, so don't worry about the 'who'. Focus your prayers on finding the right words to ask, and then just ask. Whether it's in person, through a phone call, a FB message, or an email. JUST ASK!

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